Words! How important they are; even the most read and sold book in the world, the Bible, emphasizes its relevance. As John 1:1 says “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God”.

Knowing this, at Luis Lopez de Mesa School we wanted to highlight the significance of English words by making something fun and challenging at the same time, that also included the participation of outstanding students from our school and other important institutions from Barrancabermeja.

That is why, we decided to celebrate the Third Vocabulary Challenge, hosted in our wonderful school locations, today on the 23rd of October, during two thrilling hours, with the company of Institición Educativa Infantas, Liceo Nueva Generación and El Rosario schools.

Students, all together, were divided in categories A, B and C, according to their grades. Per category they were challenged to answer vocabulary questions in an innovative way: using interactive and dynamic computer’s programs in a set time.

In the meanwhile, students had the opportunity to interact between each other, to share their ideas and their school culture, their teachers were having an enriching training in CLIL methodology to nourish their knowledge and teaching skills.

After having witnessed a fierce competition, first, second and third places where chosen from each category. All contestants received their recognition and certification of participation. It was a really amazing journey.

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